Creating an HIV Free Generation
While the number of HIV transmissions has declined, 20% of all new infections occur in young people 13-24. This age group is also less likely to get tested to remain in treatment. This course provides school staff with information on the current state of HIV transmission, treatment, prevention, and youth's rights to obtain testing and treatment.
A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion that may be used to satisfy Professional Development requirements.
To enroll in or review a course, click on the "Enroll" or the "Enroll | review" button in the upper right of the course summary page.
(Estimate 40 minutes)
The modules for this course are shown below and will be available after enrollment, click the “enroll” button to enroll:
1. Knowledge Check |
2. Content |
3. Knowledge Check |
4. Resources |
5. Feedback |
The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:
Creating an HIV Free Generation - 40 min |