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NYSCSH Webinars

Trends in STIs & HIV in NYS Youth

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The rate of sexually transmitted infections has continued to increase, with 30,000 NYS teens diagnosed with chlamydia each year. This course will provide an overview of the current prevalence of HIV/STIs in NYS school-age youth, barriers to care, prevention, and education strategies for both HIV infection and STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and primary and secondary syphilis). The 2017 NYS YRBS data results will be provided, as well as evidence-based resources that can be shared with staff available on the NYSCSH and external websites, including the CDC, NYSDOH and, NYSDOH AIDS Institute, and websites.

A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion that may be used to satisfy Professional Development requirements.

To enroll in or review a course, click on the "Enroll" or the "Enroll | review" button in the upper right of the course summary page.

(Estimate 30 minutes)

The modules for this course are shown below and will be available after enrollment, click the “enroll” button to enroll:

1. Knowledge Check

2. Content

3. Knowledge Check

4. Resources

5. Feedback


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Trends in STIs & HIV in NYS Youth CTLE PD Certificate
Trends in STIs & HIV in NYS Youth CTLE PD Certificate
Trends in STIs & HIV in NYS Youth CTLE PD Certificate
Trends in STIs & HIV in NYS Youth 30
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