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NYSCSH Webinars

Annual Emergency Glucagon Administration Training for Unlicensed School Personnel

No access code required

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) approves this training for unlicensed school personnel to learn how to administer prescribed emergency glucagon to a student with written parent or guardian consent. This training must be completed on an annual basis.

This is the first part of the Glucagon training. In the final part, you will review with a licensed school nurse or other school health professional the student’s specific emergency care plan and district policies, along with a hands-on demonstration of the devices used in the administration of glucagon.

After successful completion of this training, the learner will receive a certificate of completion valid for one year. The course will be available for review throughout the year. You will be reenrolled in the Annual Emergency Glucagon Administration Training for Unlicensed School Personnel course one year after successfully completing.

By committing to this training, you are helping to ensure that diabetic students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.

To enroll in or review a course, click the "Enroll" or the "Enroll | review" button in the upper right of the course summary page.

(Estimate 40 minutes)

The modules for this course are shown below and will be available after enrollment, click the “enroll” button to enroll:

1. Content

2. Knowledge Check

3. Feedback

4. Skills Checklist, Certificate & Resource


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Annual Emergency Glucagon Administration Training for Unlicensed School Personnel Completion
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